I come alive in the summertime
As the heat blisters my weathered hands
And a pink tan sets on my cheeks
The light from late nightfall and early sunrise awakens a lightness in me
I come alive in the summertime
I take refuge in its freedom
Like the feeling of youth, responsibilities few
A deep hope thrives in mid-June
As the sun shifts and the heat waivers
I feel a hollowness creep in
Imagining the pin I would shove into time if only the Earth’s rotation would give
Could I hold it long enough for the brittle crust to warm
Or to send the salmon spawning
Hold wild fires off for August rain to drench the July hardened soil
Watch the young rams bear their oblong horns without the fear of cracking
Try as I might the pin is slipping
I know the end is soon
A crow in the ponderosa caws
He has seen the waning moon
Weeks before the glinting light had stirred me from my sleep
Disturbed and longing for dark I had turned a cold cheek skyward
Now I ache for the restless glow showering from overhead
For I come alive in the summertime, and I know the dwindling moon warns
The hills will redden and the air will crisp
The bony creek bed dry
Wings spread breast clenched the mallards soon take flight
Going south seeking warmth
They migrate, so will I
I meditate my wounds and I solemnly hang my head
Please remember me dear river, pards and friends alike
I’ll be back soon, the month of June will bring me back to life.