Scarred and Un-broke
Wild stallion bucks his head
challenging muzzles
Romping in the west desert of Utah
They live free amongst the sagebrush clinging to the hillside
A relentless wind rustles their mane
Magnifying glory
Their coats are scarred
Brandings from a territory once fought for
instincts instruct battle
A struggle for dominance illustrated on their backs
Hoofs pound the Earth
Soil breaks to dust
dirt envelops a once blue sky
Trot turns to gallop
Gallop to sprint
And sprint to race
A race through the desert
Entertainers of no audience
Their majestic eyes
Bulging muscles
Sweeping tails
Do not seek to impress
They simply are
Brave in their fury and loyal to their herd
They pray aggressively on their hind legs
A testament to an absence of human control
Their prayer powerfully echoes their strength
A strength unfiltered and un-broke